Latest MTN unlimited freebrowsing tricks july august 2013 


Hope all of you are having nice moment out there. The network is somehow bad this days due to the fact that we are in the rainy reason. but irrespective of that, we must surf the net & make our selves happy.
Without wasting much of your precious time, here comes the deals:(read more)



GLO Facebook freebrowsing

In the world of telecommunication, connectivity and bandwidth capacity are key. They indicate just how flexible and competitive the service provider is. Globacom owns a robust infrastructure and is the only operator in Nigeria with integrated domestic and International network.

With GLO free Facebook browsing, you can update your status,Chat with your friends,explore all the features in the facebook.You can use it both on mobile phone & your pc computer or Laptop.
settings: use 'glogwap' as your APN. then on your browser, use (0=zero,(number).


 MTN Nigeria Free Browsing Cheat, May 2013

Latest free browsing trick and configuration in MTN Nigeria. The browsing is based on Opera Mini 4.2 labshander,please enter the following codes to start using the cheat browsing

IP Address :
Username: web
Password: web
Port: 80
Homepage: MTN Online Opera4.2labshandler:
Socket:// Proxy type: Host Proxy server:


Get The MTN Unlimited MB Browsing Cheat for PC and Mobile

I understand that may has been searching for a way to get the real MTN Magic Sim and Unlimited Browsing Cheat for free. You have finally found your self in the right place to get the right thing.(read more)

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